Yoga for the Mind, Body and Soul
Mood : Yoga Studio is on the westside of Rochester. Our goal is to have a large variety of classes and styles to offer something new to those that can't touch their toes and also experienced yogis. Mood is a safe space and welcomes everyone from all backgrounds of life to come and rest the mind and invigorate the body.
Connection is vital in this practice and Mood is striving to bring the community in Rochester together in just one more way with one more outlet for those that are looking.
Mood : Yoga shows us that no matter what your mood, we have a style for that. Feeling depressed? Try some Vinyasa with a Batiste style flow! Feeling frustrated? Zen out with some Yin! Feeling hyper? Take a moment for some deep breathing and Guided Meditation. What's your MOOD?
We are currently only open when classes are being held. We will grow with you! If you have any questions about classes, registration or just want to send us a fun fact, please reach out! You can send us an email to MoodYogaRoc@gmail.com or shoot us a text to 585.944.7774.
We can't wait to meet you!